Hillside Glade

Terragen 4.4.71, Pixelmator 2.0.1

“A warm summer breeze whispers up the hillside. A young fawn steps out into the clearing and stops to look around before continuing into the shelter of the forest.”

Deer courtesy DaveRanck @ https://pixabay.com/photos/florida-deer-faun-animal-nature-4982481/.
Tree stump by Benthehuman @ https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/rotted-tree-stump-x-free/1056171
Grasses courtesy Philip C. Matthews @ http://mrlamppost.com/tg2/downloads/basic_grass_pack.htm

Also available @ https://www.deviantart.com/jhmartinez/art/Hillside-Glade-863623342

Hillside Glade

Hillside Glade